For Distributors

To visit a supplier’s website, click on the button above the catalog.
Click on the “index” button below the catalog to view a pop-up, interactive table of contents
Finding product inside a specific ZOOMcatalog is fast and easy. Open the catalog you are interested in and click on the search button below the catalog. Hover your mouse over the search results to preview a page before navigating to it.
Add your favorite catalogs to your bookmarks by using the button below the catalog. You can also bookmark catalogs to open on specific pages to keep track of products you have found.
To print a specific catalog page, click on it to zoom in and use the “print page” button above the catalog.
Click on pages of interest to get an enlarged view, scroll your mouse up and down to navigate around the enlarged page.
You can distribute any ZOOMcatalog using the “send to a friend” button below the catalog or by copying and pasting the URL. If you would like to direct a customer to a specific page in a catalog, just open it to that page and use the URL or “send to a friend” button. Unlike sending a customer one image of a product you have in mind, directing a customer to preview a product within a catalog allows them to continue flipping though the rest of the pages in the catalog.
Our goal is to help you sell more! We continually provide our distributor members with best practices, tips and tricks on how to use ZOOMcatalog and all of our tools to gain a competitive advantage.
Coming soon – log in and create flyers using virtual samples of products from participating suppliers.
Coming soon – log in and create virtual samples of products from participating suppliers. Engrave, emboss, embroider, silk screen and more!
Participating suppliers are encouraged to post exclusive coupons for our ZOOMcatalog members. Pay for your ZOOMcatalog membership by using just one of these coupons per month.  Some suppliers post helpful sales literature for distributors as well – use this to gain a competitive advantage.
ZOOMcatalog has developed an amazing ZOOMcalculator to make your life a little easier! All pricing codes are built in so that you can quickly and accurately calculate net cost and sell on products, setup charges, run charges, PMS match charges etc.  Quickly and accurately see your gross profit at the click of a button.
Some of our Suppliers have a generic version of their ZOOMcatalog. If you want us to place your logo on the cover of any of these catalogs and give you a link to the catalog for distribution, just log in to ZOOMcatalog and use the “custom cover catalogs” distributor tool.
ZOOMcatalog is end-user friendly and many people are using it to find products. If consumers find products on ZOOMcatalog and do not have a distributor, they can locate one using our “locate distributor” tool. All ZOOMcatalog members are added to this directory, giving you a chance to get new customers!
If you would like to embed your catalog search engine into a webpage on your current website, we will provide you with the HTML code to do so. Leave off the top and side images as well as the navigation bar during the customization process to have only the catalogs and search fields in your webpage.
If you do not have a website, you can use your custom catalog search engine as your homepage. Add an “about us”, “contact us” and “request a quote” page.
If you already have a website, you can add a link to it that directs your customers to your custom catalog search engine.
With a Premium Membership, you can choose which catalogs will appear in your custom catalog search engine. For example, if you only sell green products, you can select catalogs from green suppliers or if you only sell product from a specific group of suppliers, select their catalogs to appear in your catalog search engine.
With a Basic Membership, all the catalogs on ZOOMcatalog will appear in your custom catalog search engine. When we add, remove or edit catalogs on ZOOMcatalog, these changes will automatically occur in your custom catalog search engine.
Customizing your own catalog search engine is quick and easy. Enable your customers to search supplier catalogs via your own website. This is a great way to expose them to all the product you can offer. Add your logo, a “contact us” page, an “about us” page, a “request a quote” form, social media buttons and more. Add your custom catalog search engine to your current site or use it as your main website.
All ZOOMcatalog members can log in and find supplier contact information. Once you find product that you would like to purchase, look up the supplier to place the order, find out their artwork specifications and more.
All ZOOMcatalog members can log in and download any of the catalogs available on ZOOMcatalog. These offline catalogs are exact replicas of the ones on ZOOMcatalog and work without an internet connection. Cut these catalogs onto CDs or USBs to leave with a customer after a sales call.
To navigate directly to a specific supplier catalog, use the company/supplier search. For example, if you are looking for the Norwood catalogs, type “Norwood” in the company/supplier search. If you are looking for suppliers of a specific brand or line, use the line name search. For example, if you are looking for suppliers of IZOD, type “IZOD” in the line name search.
Searching by category and theme is a great way to generate ideas and find suppliers of products you are interested in. For example, if you want to find all the suppliers who carry mugs, type “mug” in the category search. If you want to find suppliers with beach products, search “beach” in the theme search.
Finding product inside a specific ZOOMcatalog is fast and easy. Open the catalog you are interested in and click on the search button below the catalog. Hover your mouse over the search results to preview a page before navigating to it.
Finding product within catalogs on ZOOMcatalog is fast and easy. Search all supplier ZOOMcatalogs by keyword or key phrase. Key phrases will return more specific results. For example, search “blue ceramic mug” rather than “mug”.
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